Saturday, May 24, 2008

Doing your homework...

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

In the last few posts I've been spending a lot of time in the areas of habits and how we spend our time. I want to take a quick break from that, switch gears, and talk about a favorite topic of mine, homework!

Ok, ok, hold on... I'm not talking about Math homework. Yuck! I'm talking about doing our homework in life. Many of you have an idea in your head. Something you may want to learn, do, or achieve. Maybe it's a home business you've always wanted to try or maybe you want to lean a new instrument. Whatever the case may be, doing some focused homework and fact finding is an essential first step on the road to success. Here are some basics tactics.

1) Take your time!
Success is never in a hurry. True success stays over the long haul, it's not a sprint. Sometimes we all get so pumped up about an idea that we jump into the deep end only to realize shortly thereafter that opps, we can't swim! When doing research for anything from business opportunities to picking a college to go to, take your time.

2) Find the experts!
Every field has experts. Find them, email them, call them, and ask your questions. Don't get a second opinion. Get a third, fourth, fifth, and on. Go for multiple sources.

3) Ask Tough Questions!
I'm often amazed that people invest thousands of dollars in business opportunities without asking questions that they are curious about because the question may be too direct or fact finding. Before you invest your time, energy, or dollars into your new idea or dream ask the tough questions! The person being ask doesn't like it, they probably aren't the right people for your to be involved with anyway.

4) Take Action!
At some point research ends and action begins. Sure, we will always be learning, but without some action your dream will remain in your head an not in the reality of your world. In other words, at some point, you need to step out on faith and take a chance. You'll be glad you did!

So hit the search engines, make the call, and do some research today so you can put into action that great idea or dream you have!

See you next time.
Live Radically,

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